why choose us

  Our Customer Engagement Models

When we begin an engagement with a new customer, we work closely with the customer team to understand the culture so that we can talk through any potential roadblocks to success early on. We share openly with the new customer our values, processes and styles of doing business to insure that our way of thinking is acceptable to their way. We consider ourselves to be extremely adept at adapting to any environment or culture and will work with you to insure that if we identify any disconnects, we will be the ones to modify our way of doing things so that it best fits yours. The primary means by which facilitated culture blending occurs is via early Planning and Communication sessions which are always a part of our project schedule. Our validated start-up or “on boarding” process plays a key role in insuring early on that we provide the necessary tools and information for a sound foundation and future road to joint successes.

Companies always encounter different business cultures when entering into Strategic Relationships with external partners. After all, companies have different strategies, organizational structures, risk positions, capabilities, norms, and more; offshore relationships raise even more hurdles. Dealing with differences in business culture requires attention from throughout the course of our relationship with a customer. The objective is not to erase differences in business culture – a near impossibility in any case - but to effectively manage those differences jointly so that they don’t interfere with the business objectives of both parties. We undertake a set of activities to enable customers and providers to systematically plan how they will work together effectively and make governance operational. Our customer alignment is always based around joint objectives and developing a set of working-together protocols to march towards a healthy and successful outcome.

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